Pottery by Sandy Der -

Posts Tagged ‘porcelain’


Pickle Weights?

by: Sandy  |  Tags:

Ok, so I love to make kimchi, sauerkraut and pickles. I use wide mouth mason jars and half or full gallon jars. You need to weigh down the veggies to submerge them below the brine for proper fermentation but what to use? Plates? I didn’t have any small enough to fit the mouth… Rocks? Umm, I have a dog and see lots of cats all over the hood wandering…. Plastic bag filled with brine. Not so crazy about the plastic part…so how about some unglazed porcelain pickle weights? Non porous, no need for glaze so no worries about heavy metals and easy to clean. I’m in.

Here are some in action…they work great!

If you’d like to purchase a set go to the store tab.
